12 Adab-Adab Isteri Terhadap Suami Dan Tips Supaya Sentiasa Disayangi Oleh Suami

Posted by Admin2u Tuesday 17 March 2015 1 comments
Kehadiran suami di rumah merupakan satu rahmat kepada setiap isteri. Hanya isteri-isteri yang menderhakai suami sahaja menganggap kepulangannya suatu yang dibenci kerana dibebani dengan berbagai kerja dan tanggungjawab. Amat malang sekali jika ramai lagi isteri-isteri yang masih bersikap sedemikian. Hilanglah matlamat perkahwinan di mana isteri sebagai penenang dan penyeri rumahtangga. Di bawah ini dinyatakan cara-cara berhadapan dengan suami.

1. Semasa suami bercakap hendaklah isteri diam mendengarnya dan jangan suka menyampuk atau memotong cakapnya....

2. Bila suami marah hendaklah isteri mendiamkan diri, jangan suka menjawab. Sikap suka menjawab, bertekak dan menegakkan kebenaran sendiri akan menambahkan lagi kemarahan suami. Jangan terkejut jika suami angkat kaki meninggalkan rumah berhari-hari atau tidak mahu bertegur sapa dengan anda sebagai denda di atas kedegilan anda sebagai isteri. Sebaliknya, kalau suami kembali ke rumah jangan disambung atau diulang-ulangi cerita lama. Sambutlah suami dengan senyuman kasih sayang dan bersegeralah meminta maaf. Jangan kita tunggu suami meminta maaf dengan isteri, jatuhlah martabat keegoannya selaku seorang lelaki....

3. Kadang-kadang si suami sengaja suka mengusik isterinya. Bila dia menyakiti hati isteri hendaklah banyak bersabar, jangan cepat merajuk. Merajuk adalah sifat orang yang tidak matang dan seperti perangai keanak-anakan. Cuba kita perhatikan perangai kanak-kanak, mereka akan cepat menjerit bila ada sesuatu yang tidak kena tambahan pula kalau yang menegurnya itu ibunya sendiri. Sengaja dihentak-hentakkan kaki meraung sekuat hati meminta simpati dari ibunya....

4. Bila kuku, misai dan janggutnya panjang hendaklah segera dipotongkan (jika panjang janggutnya lebih dari segenggam). Pilihlah hari-hari yang terbaik iaitu hari isnin, Khamis dan Jumaat....

5. Jika dia berhajat sesuatu hendaklah isteri cepat bertindak. Bangun segera bila disuruh. Jangan melengah-lengahkan kemahuannya supaya tidak mencetuskan kemarahan atau rasa tersinggung di hatinya. Jangan isteri buat acuh tak acuh, hatinya akan kecewa dan menandakan isteri sudah tidak taat padanya....

6. Hendaklah memasak mengikut kesukaan suami bukannya ikut selera isteri. Kalau suami suka makan gulai kari atau masak lemak cili api, janganlah kita masak lauk asam pedas atau ikan goreng. Suami akan gembira bila seleranya ditepati. Janganlah pula ikan yang menjadi mangsa, diketuk lengkang-lengkung hingga hancur kerana meradangkan sikap suami yang mahu lauk tersebut dimasak mengikut seleranya sedangkan isteri tidak menggemarinya.

7. Apabila pakaian suami koyak atau tercabut butangnya hendaklah segera dijahit. Jahitlah dengan secantik yang boleh supaya pakaian itu kelihatan kemas dan cantik. Jangan dibuat sambil lewa kerana jahitan tersebut akan melambangkan peribadi isteri samada ikhlas atau terpaksa. Semua suami akan berasa bangga jika pakaiannya dijahit sendiri oleh jari-jemari halus isterinya, sekurang-kurangnya dapat menampung ekonomi rumahtangga.

8. Sentiasa sediakan barang-barang keperluan di dalam poket baju dan seluar suami iaitu sikat, celak, cermin kecil, minyak wangi dan kayu sugi. Tidak menjadi kesalahan seandainya si suami menolak segala persediaan tersebut tetapi sekurang-kurangnya sediakanlah minyak wangi dan kayu sugi.

9. Bila bertembung kehendak suami dan anak-anak, dahulukanlah kehendak suami, begitu juga dengan kehendak ibu ayah. Sekiranya suami ingin dilayan hendaklah ditaati meskipun isteri berada di dalam keadaan letih. Melayani suami merupakan satu pahala besar ke atas setiap isteri kecualilah jika suami kita meredhainya....

10. Apabila menggunakan harta suami ataupun duit yang hendak kita hadiahkan kepada ibu bapa maka mintalah izin darinya terlebih dahulu. Jangan beri dahulu kemudian baharu diberitahu kepadanya. Siapa tahu mungkin wang itu amat diperlukan sedangkan isteri sewenang-wenangnya telah menghadiahkan kepada orang lain, suami dapat pahala sedangkan isteri tidak dapat apa-apa. Sebenarnya meminta izin itu ialah sebelum melakukan sesuatu tindakan bukannya setelah perkara itu berlaku diberitahu. Ini silap sebenarnya tapi kes-kes seperti inilah yang sering berlaku di kalangan para isteri....

11. Sentiasa berada di dalam keadaan bersih dan kemas ketika suami berada di rumah. Isteri hendaklah berada di dalam keadaan berwangi-wangian supaya hatinya senang untuk bersenda gurau dengan isterinya. Ketahuilah bahawa bersenda gurau antara suami isteri juga merupakan salah satu ibadah yang diredhai oleh Allah swt...

12. Air minum suami hendaklah sentiasa disiapkan jangan sampai dia minta biarpun sekadar air masak sejuk. Sebaik-baiknya sediakanlah minuman panas seperti kopi, teh atau susu. Air panas elok disimpan di dalam termos supaya memudah dan menjimatkan masa kita. Kalau boleh sediakan kuih-kuih ringan seperti karipap, cucur, bubur, apam ataupun biskut kering. Hal ini juga dapat mengelak anak-anak dari membeli makanan ringan di kedai yang tidak mengandungi zat di samping tidak terjamin kebersihannya....

Pengantin tinggalkan majlis kerana bakal suami gagal jawab soalan matematik

Posted by Admin2u Sunday 15 March 2015 0 comments

NEW DELHI: Seorang pengantin perempuan di India meninggalkan majlis perkahwinannya selepas lelaki yang bakal dikahwininya gagal memberikan jawapan kepada satu soalan matematik yang mudah.

Insiden mengejutkan tersebut berlaku pada Rabu di sebuah kampung di Rasoolabad yang terletak di bandar industri Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.

Pengantin perempuan telah menguji tahap kemahiran pengantin lelaki dalam matematik dan apabila dia menerima jawapan salah, pengantin perempuan tersebut terus pulang sekali gus membatalkan majlis.

Soalan yang ditanyakannya adalah: “Berapakah 15 campur enam?”

Pengantin lelaki menjawab: “17”.

Keluarga pengantin lelaki telah cuba memujuk pengantin perempuan itu agar kembali dan meneruskan upacara perkahwinan, namun pujukan itu tidak mengubah pendiriannya.

Pengantin perempuan itu berkata bahawa pengantin lelaki itu telah berbohong tentang tahap pencapaian pendidikannya.

“Keluarga pengantin lelaki telah menyembunyikan maklumat tentang tahap pendidikannya yang teruk. Budak darjah satu pun boleh jawab dengan mudah,” ujar bapa pengantin perempuan, Mohar Singh.

Polis tempatan telah dipanggil untuk bertindak selaku perantara dua keluarga tersebut. Akhirnya kedua-dua pihak bersetuju memulangkan kesemua hadiah dan barang kemas perkahwinan.

Bulan lalu, seorang lagi pengantin perempuan di Uttar Pradesh telah mengahwini salah seorang tetamu di majlisnya selepas calon pengantin lelaki tiba-tiba mengalami sawan dan rebah dalam majlis tersebut.

Keluarga calon pengantin lelaki itu tidak mendedahkan tentang epileptik yang dihadapinya. Ketika calon pengantin lelaki itu dikejarkan ke hospital, pengantin perempuan bertindak meminta seorang tetamu di majlis itu menjadi suaminya.

Kebanyakan perkahwinan di India diatur oleh keluarga pengantin. Hal itu membuatkan kedua-dua calon yang hendak disatukan hanya sekadar bertemu sebentar dan langsung tidak mengenali antara satu sama lain sebelum majlis mengikat lafaz perkahwinan.

Kredit: AstroAwani

Jurutera Jerman DEDAH BAHAYA Kereta Perodua Myvi dan Alza Yang Boleh MENGUNDANG MAUT !!!

Posted by Admin2u 1 comments
MESTI BACA … Jurutera Jerman DEDAH BAHAYA Kereta Perodua Myvi dan Alza Yang Boleh MENGUNDANG MAUT !!! | Baru-baru ni tersebar meluas di laman sosial tentang concern seorang jurutera dari Jerman yang bekerja di Malaysia tentang bahaya kereta popular di Malaysia.. Perodua Alza dan Perodua Myvi.. yang dikatakan boleh menyebabkan kemalangan dan akhirnya berakhir dengan kecederaan parah atau maut !!! .. Di bawah merupakan detail informasi yang ditulis oleh jurutera tersebut, Wolf Vaupel (KREDIT BUILDINGBRANDINGONLINE):

Dear Concerned Readers and all Perodua Alza & Myvi owners!

I wrote this blog-post about the fact that neither Perodua nor the Malaysian Road Safety Department, or the “AAM” or any of the “Malaysian Insurance Companies” have bothered to take any action against Perodua to make the Perodua Alza & Mivy cars safe according to international standards.
Perodua know about the deadly dashboard feature that they used to construct their product and has changed this deadly feature by the new Perodua AXIA back to international standard – the Perodua Axia car is safe in this matter!

It is a must to change the deadly dashboard feature for all Perodua Alza and Myvi cars which are on the road back to safe and according to international safety standards! 

Perodua Alza & Myvi – what is wrong with these cars?
Have you have ever realised that you were driving your Alza or Myvi during night times inside the city where the roads are lightened and without turning your head lights on? I am very sure you have!
A very dangerous and scary situation!
You are not responsible or too dumb to drive – for sure!
The cause of this problem was caused by the engineers from Perodua and the approval from the M;alaysian National Road Safety Department “MIROS” must have been “sleeping” on their job when they gave their approval to Perodua Alza and Myvi and endorsed the features on these cars as safe
This irresponsible endorsement is highly risky for yourself and your passengers! This in turn also poses danger to the public who are on the road!
Now I tell you why you have not been aware that you have driven during night time without turning your vehicle’s headlights on!
The international safety standards for all vehicle brands worldwide is as follow:
When you switch on the head lights, your dasboard light will be lighted up simultaneously. This means that when the dasboard light is on, you can be very sure your headlights are on and  you can drive safely!
This international safety standard is disregarded by Perodua Alza and Myvi!

When you enter your Perodua Alza or Myvi car and when you start your engine, the dashboard light will be lighted automatically – regardless whether this is done during day or night!

This deadly feature mislead you terribly and give you a wrong impression that you have already turned on your headlights when in actual fact, it is not turned on!
Imagine driving on roads where the light visibility is low, the driver cannot see clearly the surrounding especially when a pedestrian crosses the road right in front of the vehicle or the oncoming vehicle will not be able to see that the vehicle without lighted headlights is travelling down the same road and when the vehicle decides to make a turn It can hit this unlighted vehicle, causing very serious accidents and/or your death!
Therefore, you do not have any control and/or warning that you are driving without turning your vehicle’s headlights during night!
I have driven in my life for more than 3 Million km in arround 30 different car brands and/or car types and all cars was having the same safe international feature: Head lights on – dasboard light on.
My wife bought the Perodua Myvi in August 2014 to surprise me. When I first drove this Perodua Myvi, I was in shock as I have discoverd this deadly feature!
Maybe you think you can learn overcome this deadly feature by using it the right way? 
Very wrong – all it takes is only one time when you forget to turn on your headlights during the night, it can be the end of your life – no joke!
I noticed that every time when I drive home to Puchong Kinrara from Bukit Bintang at night time, between 1 to 5 Perodua cars would be driving without head lights on.
To make matters worse, most of these vehicles are black in colour and this lowers down the visibility of other drivers towards these vehicles – this is really a very scary combination!
It would be a nightmare for me and my wife to be involved in an accident with such “ghost car” without headlights.
To make it very clear, none of those responsible bodies/authorities in this country is interested to make the roads safer, to reduce the accident rates or to save lives as a result of “dumb” and irresponsible car makers.
“The Star” and “The Sun” newspaper take care of their own interests to make daily advertising for Perodua. This is more important than to write actual and life saving reports and  facts.
They have not replied to my queries in my report to them and also is not interested to inform the public!
The “AAM” is unable to inform their newsletter readers – the answer from them is very interesting and shows the mind-set of the AAM management!
The Perodua management, the Malaysian Institute of Road safety and many other institutions and most of the car  insurance companies dare not respond to my request to make the road safer!
No answer and no comment – ignorance and inhumanity from all irresponsible institutions!
I wrote on the 20th of August 2014 to:
To the Management of Perodua and Board of Directors @ crd@perodua.com.my
Forwarded to:
Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) dg@miros.gov.my
Customer Relations Dept.; dg@miros.gov.myaduan@mot.gov.myppm@pmo.gov.my;
To Tan Sri Dato’ Hj. Muhyiddin Yasin
http://www.yellavia.com/contact.php sent by contact form on their website!
“The Star” newspaper
“The Sun” newspaper
and on the 12th of January 2015 to:
and on the 12th of January 2015 to the Insurance companies:
I have not received an answer!
Here are the original e-mails I have sent to all of them including reminders:
20th of August 2014
Good day!
My name is Wolf Vaupel. I am a German mechanical engineer and safety engineer for manufacturing machines and for road safety, retired and married with a Malaysian Chinese Lady living in KL.
My wife drives a brand new Perodua Myvi car designed and manufactured by your company.
I was shocked when I was driving this Perodua Myvi for the first time about the fact that this car has a safety risk feature on the lighting in the dashboard when the engine is turned on whether it is day time or night time – maybe some people find it funny or nice – but this feature made the driver thinks that especially during night time he has already switched on the headlights to drive safely and according to the law.
I have driven more than 3 Million km, in at least 30 different type of cars in all parts of the world and a standard feature for car lighting on the dashboard area where the odometer and fuel gauge is installed only becomes lighted when you switch on the head lights.
However, this feature does not apply to the Perodua Myvi!
This Perodua dashboard lighting feature is dangerous for drivers. The only indicator for a driver to be sure he drives with “the headlights on” is the dashboard lighting coming on.

When the dashboard lighting is wrongly set up as in the case of the Perodua Myvi & Alza then nobody is aware when he drives without head lights!

My wife and I often noticed and wondered why much Perodua Myvi & Alza drivers drive without their headlights on the road and we try to alert them by sounding our horn but they look at us as if we are from the moon!
I believe this erroneous feature on the Perodua Myvi cars is very deadly as the drivers are not aware that their headlights are not on even though their dashboard lights are on and their visibility on the road is reduced during night time driving on the lighted roads.
When one drive during the night time without their headlights on, it is as good as driving blindfolded. This can cause very serious and fatal accidents! Who is responsible for these accidents when that happens?
Now we know the answer why many Perodua drivers drive without headlights on during the night.
Who designed and created this feature? Who certified that this lighting feature is safe for drivers?  
After driven for more than 3 million km’s, I have never seen in my life so many car drivers driving during night time without turning their car headlights on as here in Malaysia and approximately 90% of them are Perodua car drivers.
I am sure the accident statistics will show that there are a lot of accidents that happened at night time due
to this nonsensically dashboard lighting feature installed. How many people do you think have died due to this design nonsense?
With such dangerous feature where this Malaysian Perodua Myvi & Alza cars are built will never receive a US or Europen Standard certification.
Active road safety starts with the safe design and construction of vehicles! 
Road safety is not taken seriously in Malaysia as you can see on every km of the road in KL, there are holes up to 2m² in dimension and up to 30 cm deep. What nonsense does the authorities do in place of the road taxes that they collect from tax payers when each day the drivers on the road risked their lives and limbs driving on roads that are full of holes. Our vehicles are damaged and we risk getting into accidents as the roads are not safe and conducive for safe driving.
The same authorities that collects road taxes has to make sure that only safe built up cars are driven on the roads.
I urged that all involved institutions to undertake immediately to revaluate and to correct this safety feature on the present owners of Perodua Myvi free of charge. New vehicles should only be sold if they fulfil the general and international safety standards!
Yesterday I was with my wife at the Perodua Service center in Shah Alam and had spoken to the Service Operation Executive Mohd Azzam Firdaus Bin Mohd Razali and highlighted this dangerous feature to him in the hope that this feature can be corrected asap.
When you change this deadly feature to international car safety standard by my wife’s car? Let me know urgently!
Best regards
Wolf Vaupel
I have not received an answer!

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